Ryan Vandal The Next Big DJ

Mr. Steven D Wilford
3 min readMar 30, 2022

What is the most complex subject you’ve ever written about?

Ryan Vandal -One of my records called “ Stay” was co-written by me. It is a personal story about a dear friend of mine that passed away. When that song is out you can totally tell in the lyrics that what the singer is singing is extremely touching, complex and emotional all in one.

What is the most outstanding achievement you’ve ever accomplished?

Ryan Vandal -One outstanding achievement that stands out is being the DJ on PowerBook 2: GHOST as well as having a DJ cameo in the new Apple TV + series #WeCrashed with Jared Leto and Anne Hathaway. You can see me DJing on the festival stage at the big rave party!

What are your long-term goals?

Ryan Vandal -Some of my long term goals would be consistently putting out new music to my fans, growing my event production company and continuing to tour and travel whether that be for a nightclub, special private event or when I’m spinning on Richard Branson’s ship Virgin Voyages.

What is the biggest mistake you have made within your career?

Ryan Vandal -The biggest mistake I’ve made was sometimes thinking way too small. There is a whole world out there and I personally feel that what I do for a living helps people get through the hard times in life. For example, during the pandemic I was DJing on IG live and Twitch. It was great to help people escape from the difficult times.

What is one message that you would like to give to the world?

Ryan Vandal -I’m a big believer in doing what you love for a living. It sure can be stressful, hectic and very difficult but the benefit outways the hard path to success. In the end you will be much happier if everyday you wake up and are happy to start working. I have a docu series that will be releasing within a year and that shows alot of my struggles as well as success throughout my journey to being a DJ, producer, artist, entrepreneur, director and father.

Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?

Ryan Vandal- In 10 years, I see myself expanding what I’ve already built, doing a lot of massive shows in person and televised. Something that I’ve always wanted to do was to build a haunted attraction, I know that sounds random for someone being a DJ but I’ve always been a horror fan and used to make 17 room haunted houses in my backyard as a child.

7.) If you could Dj for any artist who would it be and why ?

Ryan Vandal -I’ve never got the opportunity to DJ an event where Steven Speilberg was and I think that would be great since he is one of my all time favorite directors. As far as music artists go I’d have to say.. Drake for sure!

