Interview Nicholas Boyd

Mr. Steven D Wilford
2 min readJul 19, 2022

What is the most complex thing you’ve had to do?
- In my time of playing basketball there has been many challenges and complex things Ive faced. A complex thing I faced that probably had the biggest impact on me as a person has to be this last year. Facing three surgeries to repair my broken foot that had me on the sideline for the whole year.

What is the most outstanding achievement you’ve ever accomplished?
- The most outstanding thing I believe I accomplished so far is probably making it to the division one level and going to school for free. That was a big dream of mine growing up. So as of right now that’s still one of my biggest accomplishments.

What are your long-term goals?
- My long term goals are make it to the NBA and provide for my family while doing what I love to do which is playing basketball. I’m working everyday to make that a reality my

What is the biggest mistake you have made within your career?
- I wouldn’t say I’ve made a big mistake in my career but I think something I need to get better at is taking care of my body in the training room. This is something I’m not the greatest at and it’s really important to do so I’m always feeling fresh and in the best shape to perform the way I want to perform.

What is one message that you would like to give the world?
- One message I’d like to give to the world is to always bet on yourself if you have the a outstanding passion and work ethic for whatever you want in life.

Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?
- I see my self in the NBA doing my thing.

If you could take back one thing you did wrong, what would it be and why?
- Um, I don’t really regret anything I’ve done in my life honestly. I feel like everything I’ve decided to do and been through shaped me to the person I am today.

If you could play for any NBA team who would it be and why ?
- I say the New York Knicks because I’m from New York and my family and friends would be able to be at every home game supporting me.

