Exclusive Interview With Musical Artist “Lil Douzy”

Mr. Steven D Wilford
3 min readNov 22, 2020


Hi Lil Douzy! How are you?

Lil Douzy- Livin and grindin

When/How did you start/get into making music?

Lil Douzy- I started doing music around the end of 2017 with my homie “BIGBRO”. It all started off back when we was working at “salt lick BBQ” just chilling in the back wt some coworkers during breaks blasting our speakers in the kitchen and free styling to some random beats, Then started writing and recording at “BIGBRO’s” crib wt the lil studio set up he had in his living room. We later decided to find a real studio in which where we came across in finding “the beat kitchen” and that’s how we ended up meeting our producer “CIOMADETHETRACK”. Started working wt him every week and we all took it serious within our craft every week to become one of…or the best artists in the game.

What is your greatest inspiration for your music?

Lil Douzy- My greatest inspiration would have to be my pops, without being around him, moms, the music scenery, church during my childhood I wouldn’t have had a drive for music like I do today. If we want to talk about drake and Wayne though those were who I mostly grew up listening to lol.

What is the hardest subject you’ve ever written about?

Lil Douzy- Hardest subject would have to be about relationships, due to the fact that I’m going back to past situations that had a story behind it. It was like talking to someone but through the Mic.

What is the greatest achievement you’ve ever accomplished?

Lil Douzy-My greatest achievement would probably be speaking positivity and dreams into existence. Although it ain’t everything yet… I’ve proved to myself now at 22 years old that I could come up as an individual black man if I just lock in my focus to where I want myself and everyone close to me to be at.

Are you planning on releasing new music soon?

Lil Douzy- Yes I’m planning on dropping an album soon titled W.T.M.M(welcome to my mind) it’s not one to miss out on I promise.

What is next for you?

Lil Douzy- The more I find myself, the more I get creative with my melodies and writing, but the music speaks for itself though. I do this for therapy so if people don’t rock with my vibe then I’m cool wt that cuz I got me at the end of the day

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